About Us

Captain: Duncan Leel Snr

Church: Fraserburgh and District Parish Church of Scotland

Battalion: Buchan Battalion

District: North Scottish Area (NSA)

The 1st Fraserburgh was established in 1921 making it the oldest functioning Company in the Buchan Battalion. Although the company turns 100 in 2021 it was not a founding member of the Buchan Battalion as back in 1970 it was coming out of temporary abeyance. The company has produced 3 Battalion Presidents under 4 presidencies as well as 5 Battalion Secretaries making it a leading company in the Battalion. The current Secretary, Lt Yvonne Duthie, is OIC of the 1st Company Section.

Moto: The stated object of the Boys’ Brigade is “The advancement of Christ’s kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-respect and all that tends towards a true Christian manliness.”

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