Whole Company


The exhibition marking 100 years of the BB in Fraserburgh is set to open on the 1st July 2021 with Fraserburgh Heritage Centre.

The exhibition was originally scheduled to open in April 2020 but was delayed due to COVID-19.

It features photographs and artefacts pertinent to the beginning and early development of the organisation in Fraserburgh. This includes the four big shields of their day which are all in Fraserburgh together for the first time since the 1960s.

Whole Company


#OnThisDay in 1921 #100YearsAgo the 1st Fraserburgh BB Company was officially registered meaning today is their official 100th Birthday.

The Company is the oldest in the Buchan Battalion and has provided opportunities for thousands of our town’s boys!

All in the Battalion would like to wish our friends in the 1st Fraserburgh a very happy 100th Birthday and we look forward to seeing what celebrations they have lined up when restrictions are lifted.

Today we also look back and remember those who came before, to hand over the company, generation after generation, to the boys and officers of today.

Congratulations, and here’s to the next 100!