Whole Company

Lieut. Andrew West

It is with great sadness that we heard that Lieut. Andrew West, officer in Company Section for over 35 years and former Queen’s Badge Advisor to Buchan Battalion, passed away on Thursday this week. Andrew was an active officer right up to the end of last session when he took the photographs at our parent evening presentations.

Andrew was well liked and respected by all officers and boys and he will be a great miss on Company Section evenings. His expertise and knowledge was passed on over the years through our badgework programme and this will be sorely missed as we all liked hearing his stories and seeing his photographs of Fraserburgh in the past and hearing about his adventures on his travels.

Our condolences go to his sons Malcolm and David and the wider family at this sad time. Funeral arrangements will be announced in the Press and Journal and Buchan’s Facebook page tomorrow.
The family have intimated that they would appreciate all Boys’ Brigade boys and officers past and present, who plan to attend the funeral, wear their uniform or tie if possible.

Thank you.